Adai Dosai Mix


Parboiled rice - 500 gm
Raw rice - 200 gm
Thur dhal - 200 gm
Channa dhal - 100 gm
Moong / green gram - 100 gm
Urad dhal - 50 gm
Dry red chilies - 15
Asafoetida - 2 tbsp
Salt to taste

Method of Preparation:
1. Grind the ingredients individually to a rava-like coarse powder in a blender.
2. Add the asafoetida and salt and mix the powders well. Store in an airtight container and use add needed.
3. Half hour before you need to prepare adai, soak the mix in water in 1:2 ratio (1 cup adai mix and 2 cups water).
4. After half hour add a little more water if necessary.
:- the batter should be thick and not watery.
5. Add one of the following to the batter: finely chopped cabbage, onion, green leafy vegetable, coconut, grated carrot.
6. Add one or more of these above vegetables to the batter and make the adai.
7. Serve hot with avial, coconut chutney, or jaggery.

Happy cooking :)

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